Healthcare Jobs: Salary negotiation 101

If you’re considering negotiating a raise with your employer, you’re at the right place. Negotiating a salary increase can make a nerve wrecking experience for physicians. It can make them uncomfortable and apprehensive. In addition, healthcare organizations have limited budgets, which can make the issue even more challenging.

medical-staffing-agencies-texasBut, every employee has the right to speak up for themselves. There’s a certain way to go about it. If you feel your current salary is not enough, here are some tips to ask for a raise:

Conduct a self-evaluation

First off, conduct a self-assessment. This should be done before you approach your supervisor. The best time do so is two to three months before your contract expires. As a result, your employer will have enough time to think over the matter.

For self-assessment, clear your mind. Try to think about it rationally. Why do deserve an increment? What are your contributions to patient satisfaction and organization output?

Analyze your responsibilities, duties and performance. How did you perform as compared to other employees in the same job? The better your reasoning, the greater your chances of getting a raise.

Research salary scales

Conduct a thorough research before meeting your supervisor. Check out the average salary of physicians online. Collect important facts that might support your case.

Practice your case

Practice what you will say to your supervisor. Also observe your body language and speech. Try to be brief but convincing during the meeting. Include as many facts as possible. Also remember to highlight your achievements.

Meet your employer

Schedule a face-to-face meeting with your employer in advance. Drop them an email. If they don’t respond, ask them for a chance to discuss some career-related issues.

Don’t tell them directly you want a raise. You want your supervisor to hear you out first, without dismissing your case.

During the meeting, present yourself in a confident, calm manner. As mentioned earlier, practice the meeting beforehand to improve your speech and body language.

Discuss your reasoning in a professional manner. Don’t threaten your employer. Successful negotiation is a two-way street. Listen to what your employer has to say. At the same time, don’t just focus on what you want. Try to understand their position. Try to make a win-win situation for both parties.

Sometimes, an individual salary increment isn’t possible due to many reasons, such as budget limitations. If your employer can’t give you a raise, discuss other perks, such as flexible work schedule with them. Perhaps, they can offer you one of those instead.

However, if you have not been offered a raise for years, start looking for another job.

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