Resume Tips For Healthcare Professionals

1Your resume is hands down the most important document in your professional life. That’s why it should consist of the right elements to make it stand out and grab a potential healthcare recruiter’s attention.

However, it is easy to make critical mistakes that might not make the desired impact on them. How do you avoid making such costly errors? Here are some tips to help you create the perfect resume:


For starters, there’s a vast difference between a resume and a CV. A CV is used mainly by doctors and researchers. In other words, it is used by healthcare candidates having academic and scientific roles. On the other hand, those seeking roles in operations, management and administrative work use a resume.

When it comes to format, a reverse-chronological order is preferred. Use smaller fonts as they take up less space and read well. In addition, headings offer a visually clean look. Therefore list down your educational information and professional experience. Mention details about your education/degrees, training, internships and work experience.


Avoid generic resume objectives, such as “Seeking a challenging position for professional growth.”  Instead, focus on your specific needs, as well as the employers.


A resume / CV gives you the opportunity to sell yourself to a healthcare employer. Therefore, list down all your achievements. However, don’t overdo it. As a rule, include relevant accomplishments, such as awards, case studies, research publications, honors, training and professional affiliations.

Furthermore, add any caseload you have managed. Focus on the number of patients served, as well as the challenges your caseload presented. Similarly, training with city, state and federal agencies, such as Medicare and Medicaid, should also be included.

All computer and tech skills should be in a separate section. Avoid mentioning basic skills, such as Word, Excel. Include software and program skills related to healthcare.

Typos and grammatical errors

Typos and grammatical mistakes leave a bad impression on employers. They may get the impression that you are careless.  Proofread your resume/ CV at least twice before sending it.


Have you been a part of any volunteer, community organization or an external patient support group? Make sure you add that to your resume / CV. It helps you stand out as someone who gives back to the community.

Interests and hobbies

An employer can gauge a lot about you through your interest and hobbies. Thus, mention your hobbies and interests, especially if they pertain to the healthcare sector.


Contact information

If you have changed your contact number, email address or home address recently, remember to update your resume. Double-check the contact information in your resume before sending it to an employer.

To put it simply, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for creating a healthcare industry resume / CV.

As a rule, make a tailored resume that reflects your strengths and accomplishments, and is up-to-date with the position you are applying for. Because, ultimately, an employer’s impression of you depends on what they see on your resume / CV. Don’t let it be the last one.

Need help improving your resume / CV? Contact our nationwide healthcare staffing experts. As an established healthcare staffing agency, we serve as a one-stop source for permanent physician placements across the country.
