Dispelling Myths About Anesthesiologist Jobs


Anesthesiologist . Photo courtesy of ResoluteSupportMedia(CC Attribution)

Some of the biggest misconceptions about medical careers exist for anesthesiologist jobs. People without much medical background and knowledge can easily look at the salaries that anesthesiologist’s make and think that the compensation looks pretty sweet for a job that, on the surface, looks pretty simple. Afterall, an anesthesiologist just puts a patient to sleep and then hangs out in the operating room while surgeons do all the real work, right? Of course not!

A lot of medical students think about specializing in anesthesiology until they realize how complicated it really is. The Lansing State Journal article, “Anesthesiologists: More than Sleep Doctors” does a lot to dispel the stereotype, saying

“In reality, their scope of responsibility is much more specialized. Physician anesthesiologists are responsible for pain management, educating patients about how to prepare for surgery, determining the appropriate dose and type of anesthesia, and administering emergency care in the event of a life-threatening reaction.”

Specialization in patient communication and emergency treatment is really important for anesthesiologists. The best anesthesiologists are effective at encouraging patients to follow their pre-surgery protocol such as fasting or refraining from smoking. An anesthesiologist who can logically explain the benefits of fasting and refraining from smoking before surgery can convince a patient that their safety is more important than the short-term comfort they receive from eating and smoking pre-surgery.

If you care about your patients safety, and you’re looking for a new job as an anesthesiologist, please contact us. We would love to talk to you about job openings in your area or across the country, if you’re willing to move.
